The Difference between a Web Designer, Web Developer, and Web Programmer

The terms Web Designer, Web Developer, and Web Programmer are jobs that are

commonly confused, and they are very closely related. They all have to work individually

in order for the overall website to function properly.

What is a Web Designer?

A Web designer is actually a mixture of both a Graphic designer and a web programmer.

By that, I mean that they take the design created by the team, and use programming to

turn it into a part of the website. With that being said, they must know to code in addition

to design.

If they are given a logo that needs to be put in the top corner of the website, they figure

out how to program it in. They must put it at the exact location with the exact same

design that was given to them.

A lot of the times, a designer can do anything from graphic design to web programming.

The job “web design” typically does not fall to one person, but rather is delegated to all

the people on the website’s team.

A web designer can deal with the unseen coding of a website and sometimes even the

back-end development. Web designers can take part in both front-end information and

backend information. Overall, the job of a web designer is to present the products and/

or services in the way that the client requests.

They have to be able to create a website that is aesthetically pleasing. In contrast to a

graphic designer, web designers focus on the web rather than Photoshop. They code the

information to get the correct colors, fonts, and layout on the website.

What is a Web Developer?

Web development and web programming are very similar and are often used

interchangeably. They look at the functionality of a website. They use code to make sure

the website is easy to use. The website's functionality is their main priority.

They must know the basic information architecture. A web developer is able to build a

the website from the ground up.

There are three parts to web development.

First, there is client-side scripting, otherwise known as the front-end development. There is server-side scripting, otherwise known as the back end. And finally, there is database technology, which helps keep the website functioning smoothly.

Client-side scripting is what shows up on the screen to the users. Server-side scripting keeps the database communicating with the user’s computer. And lastly, database technology is what makes the actual database.

It is essential to have a knack for coding if you want to be a web developer. There are a lot of different languages that you should know for the different parts of web development.

What is a Web Programmer?

A web programmer is a person behind the curtain who makes all the magic (functionality) happen. They are the ones in charge of keeping the website running. They make it possible to take the information entered into a website and save it to a database.

Using code is the major requirement for this job, as coding is essentially the same thing as programming. They program the website to keep the wheels turning and keep the website up and running. Web programming often includes intense coding languages such as those mentioned below.
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